11:30 am: Welcome and land acknowledgement
12 pm: Intro to drag
12:45 pm: Max’s Mission
1:15 pm: Local resources shout-out
1:30 pm: Queereoke and open mic power-hour
3 pm: Drag performances
5 pm: (Closing) Attendees join in singing “This is Me”
A: Citizens for Safe Schools
B: Tayas Yawks
C: Max’s Mission
D: Klamath Advocacy Center
I: Veteran’s Affairs
J: HIV Alliance
K: Pride Yearbook
E: Klamath Basin Behavioral Health
F: ODHS Resource Family Recruitment
G: Klamath County Public Health
H: Sky Lakes Medical Center
Asi Es Mi Tierra
Kona Ice
The Dogfather
Antonella Mediterranean
28: Klamath Pride Shirts
29: Tie Dye
30: Face Painting
11: Citizens for Safe Schools
14: Celtic Frog Crafts
15: Rosie Frost Illustrations
16: Savvy Sea Siren
17: Dragon’s Roost
18: Makeshift Miscreants
19: Mercury and Mae Apothecary Company20: Anadia
21: Aces and Zebras
22: Illuminatus Design
23: Viennen’s Apothecary
24: Markie.JPG
25: Tempest Kohai
1: Klamath Falls Friends Church
2: Klamath Falls United Methodist Church
3: Klamath County Democrats
4: Klamath Grown
5: Changing Leads Counseling Services
6: Ross Ragland Theater
9: Bureau of Land Management ( LGBTQ narratives in the archaeological record )
10: US Fish and Wildlife Services
12: KCC Rainbow Club
13: Oregon Tech
26: Transformation Wellness Center
27: Lutheran Community Services
31: Cascade Health Alliance